图片工具AI 绘画工具

Stable Diffusion Painting

一个简单的 Python 脚本,可让您在画布上作画并将该图像的每个笔画发送到 automatic1111 API 并在生成图像时更新画布


一个 Python 脚本,允许您在画布上绘画,并将图像的每一个笔画发送到 automatic1111 API,并在生成图像时更新画布。


Key / Mouse buttonControl
Left buttonDraw with the current brush size
Middle buttonDraw with a white color brush
e + Left buttonEraser brush (bigger)
z + Left buttonDraw zone to be erased
s + Left buttonDraw zone to be kept
Scroll up / downIncrease / decrease brush size
1 to 9Set brush size
backspaceErase the entire sketch
shift + Left buttonDraw a line between two clicks
RETURN or ENTERRequest image rendering
ctrl + iInterrupt image rendering
cDisplay current configuration while pressed
pEdit prompt
alt + pEdit negative prompt
aToggle autosave
shift + tCycle render wait time (+0.5s, or off)
ctrl + pPause dynamic rendering
qToggle quick rendering, with LCM LoRA if available
nRandom seed value
ctrl + nEdit seed value
UP / DOWNIncrease / decrease seed by 1
ctrl+ sSave the current generated image
ctrl+ oOpen an image file as sketch
ctrl+ dCall ControlNet detector (replace sketch)
shift + ctrl+ dCycle ControlNet detectors
hToggle HR fix
shift + hCycle HR fix scale
shift + uCycle HR upscalers
shift + dCycle denoising strengths
shift + sCycle samplers
bToggle batch rendering
shift + bCycle batch sizes
shift + cCycle CLIP skip settings
shift + mCycle ControlNel models
shift + wCycle ControlNel weights
shift + gCycle ControlNel guidance ends
shift + ctrl + gToggle ControlNel pixel perfect mode
keypad 0Restore starting settings
keypad 1-9Load custom rendering preset
ctrl + keypad 1-9Save custom rendering preset
alt + keypad 1-9Load custom ControlNet preset
ctrl + alt + keypad 1-9Save custom ControlNet preset
x or ESCQuit

Note : "Cycle" shortcuts type will wait for the shift key to be released before launching the rendering.





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关于Stable Diffusion Painting特别声明

本站AIHunt | 几百个AI工具导航,国内外AI工具导航大全提供的Stable Diffusion Painting都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由AIHunt | 几百个AI工具导航,国内外AI工具导航大全实际控制,在2023-04-23 15:16收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,AIHunt | 几百个AI工具导航,国内外AI工具导航大全不承担任何责任。


